Weqas EQA Programmes are available for quality assessment of 165 analytes, alphabetically ordered on the Analyte List below. Please search or scroll down to your analyte of interest to select the appropriate External Quality Assessment Programme.
Forename / First Name*
Surname / Family Name*
Client type*
—Please choose an option—Weqas ClientProspective Client UKProspective Client Non-UK
Weqas Participant / Lab Code (if known)
What EQA programme are you interested in?
—Please choose an option—AmmoniaBile AcidsBilirubinBlood GasBone MarkersCo-oximetryCRPED ToxicologyEndocrineFetal FibronectinHaematinicsHbA1cHealthcheck HbA1c & LipidsHIL Serum IndicesHomocysteinehsTroponinLipidsNT-Pro BNPPAMG-1pH MeterphIGFBP-1POCT CardiacPOCT CreatininePOCT CRPPOCT D-DimerPOCT Glucose & KetonesPOCT HaemoglobinPOCT HIVPOCT INRPOCT LipidsPOCT PROMPOCT Respiratory VirusPOCT Strep APOCT UrinalysisPOCT Urine ACRPorphyrinPre-EclampsiaPregnancy TestingProcalcitoninQuantitative Faecal HbRenal CalculiSerum ACESerum ChemistrySerum hCGTherapeutic Drug MonitoringTraumatic Brain InjuryUrine ChemistryUrine Drugs of AbuseUrine Oxalate & CitrateViscoelastic Haemostasis
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