Laboratory EQA services

Laboratory EQA services

Weqas is a UKAS ISO 17043 accredited proficiency testing provider (number 4301), offering a range of EQA Programmes for Laboratory Medicine. Weqas offers a visibly different, high quality, science-based service to support laboratories in maintaining ISO 15189, underpinned by commutable metrological traceable samples and informative reports. For a full list of the External Quality Assessment programmes offered, including analytes covered and material provided, please see the EQA Programme section below.

External Quality Assessment (EQA) in medical laboratories have evolved over the past 50 years to provide more sophisticated systems compared with the simple participant’s analytical performance evaluation of earlier years. There are clear distinctions between the proficiency testing programmes and the evolved External Quality Assurance Programs (EQAP). Not only do they provide participant performance evaluation including pre-analytical and post-analytical evaluation, but also method evaluation, and postmarketing vigilance. Education is pivotal in these programmes with training and help being provided. Programmes that do not include Quality Assurance as defined in EQAP will ultimately fail to improve quality, and laboratories should consider these elements in their choice of EQA provider. The key objective of EQA is continuous quality improvement within laboratory medicine, and EQA providers should therefore include quality improvement of programme design as an essential requirement of the service.

External Quality Assurance Program (EQAP) is an interlaboratory comparison designed and operated to assure one or more of the following aspects, which will be described in the following sections:

Participant Performance Evaluation
Post Analytical
Method Performance Evaluation
Continuous Education, Training and Help

The primary intention of the activities of an EQAP in laboratory medicine shall be; To support quality improvement of the services provided by the participating laboratories, for the benefit of the patient.


UKAS Proficiency Testing 4301UKAS Calibration 4301

EQA Programme Enquiry

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