World Patient Safety Day 2024

World Patient Safety Day 2024

The theme for this year’s World Patient Safety Day’s on 17th September is improving diagnosis for patient safety, where patients and families, health workers, health care leaders, policy makers and civil society will emphasise the pivotal role of correct and timely diagnosis in improving patient safety.

“Get it right, make it safe!”.

“Diagnostic errors account for 16% of preventable patient harm and are common in all health care settings.”

World Health Organisation, WHO

Behind every sample, is a patient

Behind each sample, is a patient. A real person that is dependant on the healthcare system to provide correct and timely diagnosis. Laboratory diagnostics plays an important part in that process in ensuring that the right patient receives the right test at the right time.

Diagnosis requires collaboration among patients, families, caregivers, health workers, health care leaders and policy-makers. This is a team effort and all stakeholders must be engaged in shaping the diagnostic process and empowered to voice any concerns.

“The primary intention of an EQA provider is to monitor the performance of organisations and to support quality improvements for the benefit of patients.”


Weqas distributes EQA samples to organisations across the world, and our scientists provide analytical expertise to improve quality and accuracy, which in turn improves patient safety. If you would like to learn more about what organisations need from an EQA programme and how they are designed, you can view our 3 part video playlist below.

For more information on this event, visit the World Health Organisation, WHO website.