Edit A Region / Group

Edit A Region / Group

    For existing Region / GroupsProvides nominated users access to view the reports of multiple laboratories within a specified Region / Group., please complete the details below ensuring that you type the group name exactly as it appears online.

    If you are requesting a Regional User to be added / removed or for a lab to be removed from the region, this change must be approved by the Region Co-ordinator This person is responsible for establishing the group and is the primary contact for the region / group. They will need to approve any requested changes that affect their region / group.. Once the information below is submitted, your request will be reviewed and then an email will be sent to the Region Co-ordinator we have on file to approve the changes.

    If you are only requesting the addition of a lab to the region, we will seek authorisation from the labs Head of Department as well as the Region Co-ordinator via email. No changes will be made until all necessary approval has been received.

    Requester Information

    In case we need to contact you about your request, please enter your details below.

    Region / Group Name

     The name of the existing group you wish to amend. Ensure you type it as it appears online.

    Labs to be added to / removed from the group

    You can add or remove a lab from the region by selecting the appropriate dropdown option. Please enter them below including their Weqas Lab Code. Use the + button to change multiple labs.

    Regional / Group Users

    You can add or remove a current user by selecting the appropriate dropdown option below. Use the + button to change multiple users. Please ensure all details are entered correctly.


    What next?

    Once you have submitted your details, our team will review your request and seek authorisation from the Region Co-ordinator and the Head of Department of the new laboratories to be added (if any).

    For security reasons, the changes will not be implemented until we receive all necessary approval.
